Games202-1 Recap of CG Basics

a). Graphics Pipeline


b). OpenGL


A. Place objects/models

  • Model specification(模型信息)
  • Model transformation


B. Set up an easel(画架)

  • View transformation
  • Create /use a framebuffer


C. Attach a canvas to the easel


E. you can also paint multiple pictures using the same easel

  • 一个Rendering Pass,使用一个framebuffer,渲染一个或多个texture(shading, depth, etc.)作为输出

  • 即一个framebuffer可以绑定多个纹理(MRT)

  • Multiple Render Target(MRT)是一种指可以使绘制程序在单帧中同时渲染多个Render Target

D. Paint to the canvas

  • This is when vertex / fragment shaders will be used
  • For each vertex in parallel
    • OpenGL calls user-specified vertex shader: Transform vertex (ModelView, Projection), other ops
  • For each primitive, OpenGL rasterizes
    • Generates a fragment for each pixel the fragment covers
  • For each fragment in parallel
    • OpenGL calls user-specified fragment shader: Shading and lighting calculations
    • OpenGL handles z-buffer depth test unless overwritten

Summary: in each pass

  • Specify objects, camera, MVP, etc.

  • Specify framebuffer and input/output textures

  • Specify vertex / fragment shaders

  • (When you have everything specified on the GPU) Render

c). Shading Language(GLSL)

c.1). Initializing

  • Create shader(Vertex and Fragment)

  • Compile shader

  • Attach shader to program

  • Link program

  • Use program

Shader Initialization Code


c.2). Phong Shader in Assignment 0

  • Vertex Shader


    • attribute: 顶点附带的属性,FS中不会出现
    • uniform: 全局变量,由CPU直接传递给GPU
    • varying: 需要插值的变量
    • highp: 高精度
    • gl_Position: 类似于Unity的SV_Position,裁剪空间中的顶点位置;
  • Fragment Shader
